


Looking for a voice-over artist? Contact us today: fresh@342mad.com or 941-544-5878

Logos & Branding

Social Media Management

social just listed.jpg

Busy? We've got it. Get 2 or more posts per week on as many as 3 social media platforms depending on your needs and participation level. Of course it’s about more than just hosting. Like, link, hashtag, follow, share, advertising and boosting will help you stay engaged with old and new fans and friends. We will also teach you how to do it yourself if you prefer.

Custom Charts & Infographics - Bite-sized bits of info 

In addition to creating a monthly report graphics for your industry’s reports, you may want to have a gorgeous graphic that shows other growth, or business data that is too bulky or complex to share as-is. We love the challenge. The cost is based on how much information we need to transform and how long it will take for the first one - ongoing updates costs will reflect the value of saved time.


Websites: Shine Online

Pro Page - starting at $750

Pro Page - starting at $1,100


Make your online presence shine while showcasing your brand, personality, and expertise. Click on the images to view the sites.

Pro Package - starting at $1650

Pro Package - starting at $1750

Make a Statement

Expand on your expertise with third party components like an MLS IDX feed, booking apps, etc. We will incorporate any services or commerce that you need for your business.

Premier Package - starting at $2800

Bold Beauty

Make visitors want to engage your services! Beauty and function is our priority when building a website. We LOVE a challenge and invite you to discuss your online vision.


Building a Website with You and for You

  • We work in Squarespace, GoDaddy, Wix, Strikingly, Wordpress, Elementor and others, and will recommend a platform based on your needs, or use your preference, we are ready to help!

  • Want to edit yourself? No problem. We will provide an hour Zoom tutorial once we’re live with the site.


See more of our web design work:

Website Standards, Add-Ons and Updates.

  • Specific prices vary depending on site and frequency - there are added 3rd party costs if incorporating feeds like MLS IDX or e-commerce into your site.

  • We offer once a month or two times a month blog writing and posting, and adding testimonials regularly.

  • SEO; Google My Business and links to preferred rating sites are an option and pricing will be determined prior to starting, Google analytics reporting is also available.


Sound Off

We have a professional voice-over artist on staff - who will also edit your videos for you. Click for some amazing audio work:


Advertising Series - Print & Online


Print Collateral

These are 4-panel brochures, folded twice to a finished size of 3.5-4” by 8.5-9.” Perfect for direct mail, rack card displays and holders.

These bright signs were made to fit in the advertising spaces in buses above the passenger seats.

Below are invitations and event art - every design can be formatted for online, print, eblasts, social, reels, animations, and more.


Programs, Impact Reports & Listing Presentations

Program books, annual reports, invitations, and just about any type of collateral are designed for you and your brand. Pricing varies based on number of pages and extent of formatting. Many customers have the art and text, they just need it to look great - this takes less time. Some like to start from scratch - we make it all about you, your brand, and the service you provide. You may notice that there is not a sample here for a listing presentation. This is because we respect the fact that realtors have their own style and methods, that are not meant to be shared on a public forum.


The Florida Center annual report


Sarasota Concert Association program


Realtor Association Sarasota/Manatee


Sarasota Concert Association program


The Florida Center annual report


All Faiths Food Bank annual report


The Florida Center annual report

MLS desc LWR 72.jpg

Property Prose & Blogs

MLS descriptions, blogs, collateral content - you've found a team of people who love to write. 

A visit to your property and an inviting description makes your listing more memorable to potential buyers. Blog articles can be your writing or ours, and then we post and share them for you. You can have as many as 4 per month - on a wide variety of topics - your choice and your voice.

Property Brochures & Postcards

This is a sample of an 11x17 brochure folded vertically; cover, inside spread, and back.

This is a sample of an 11x17 brochure folded horizontally; cover, inside top, bottom, and back.

Postcards can be customized so you and your brand are showcased in various sizes from 4x6 to 8.5x11

Postcard front 2.jpg
Postcard back 2.jpg
2022 sub reminder 3.5x5 postcard SCA.jpg
Achieve Invite and STD art final.jpg

Vehicle Wraps

Eat This Bus LCoyle 2016.jpg
sprout wrap truck.jpg
2015 truck watermelon all.jpg

Meet the mad team - click here.